GIRP Governance
Managing board
The GIRP Managing Board makes recommendations about GIRP’s strategy and deals with the daily business of GIRP. It is comprised of/made up of 6 representatives the President, the 4 Vice-Presidents and the Treasurer.
- Mr Bernd Grabner, President
- Mr Paul Reilly, Vice President
- Ms Katarina Gabrielson, Vice President
- Mr Carlos Varela, Vice President
- Mr Miguel Valdes, Vice President
- Dr. Antal Feller, Treasurer
The GIRP Board is responsible for carrying out functions as laid down by the GIRP statutes or as determined by the GIRP General Assembly.
ImageBernd GrabnerPresident GIRPImagePaul ReillyManaging Director (McKesson Ireland)ImageKatarina GabrielsonPresident / CEO (ORIOLA)ImageCarlos Varela Sanchez-CaballeroCOFARESImageMiguel ValdésDirector General (FEDIFAR)ImageDr Antal FellerHAPWImageOlivier BronchainSECOFImageRui CarringtonADIFAImageEmmanuel DéchinCSRPImageLothar JenneMax Jenne Arzneimittel Grosshandlung KG (Pharma Privat)ImageNikolay KolevADRFRImageMari KrassMagnumImageMichael KuckChief Executive Officer (NOWEDA)ImagePhilippe LacroixNVGV-ANGRImageThomas PorstnerPHAGROImageMartin SawerHealthcare Distribution Association UK (HDA UK)ImageSven SeidelChief Executive Officer (Phoenix Group)ImageGianluigi TassonePresident Alliance Healthcare EuropeImageMarc WernerChief Executive Officer (Galenica)
General assembly
The GIRP General Assembly defines the general policy of GIRP. It consists of all full members and meets at least twice a year.